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Project information

HVDC-Wise - HVDC-based grid architectures for reliable and resilient WIdeSprEad hybrid AC/DC transmission systems (Horizon Europe. Grant agreement No. 101075424)

L. Sigrist A. García-Cerrada P. Vilaça I. Diahovchenko S. Rezaeian-Marjani

October 2022 - April 2026

Funding entity Comisión Europea

Participated by Supergrid Institute, Tennet Tso Gmbh, Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission Plc, University Of Strathclyde, Rheinischwestfaelische Technische Hochschule Aachen, Epri Europe Dac, Technische Universiteit Delft, Tractebel Impact Belgium Sa, University Of Cyprus, Ricerca Sul Sistema Energetico - Rse Spa, Energinet, Amprion Gmbh, Statnett Sf

The HVDC-WISE project overall objective is to propose, analyse, design, and validate HVDC-based grid architecture concepts that enable the deployment of reliable and resilient widespread AC/DC transmission grids to achieve the European energy transition. The HVDC-WISE project aims to:

a) Propose a set of innovative HVDC-based grid architecture concepts (technological solutions) to harness the full potential of HVDC to increase the R&R of the AC/DC system and reduce the associated threats of HVDC systems, while providing transmission capacity.

b) Provide the necessary tools and methodologies to analyse the R&R levels of future AC/DC systems integrating the different HVDC-based grid architecture concepts enabling their selection and design.

c) Validate the proposed HVDC-based grid architecture concepts (using the provided tools) implemented on three complementary realistic use cases representing different grid situations in Europe.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101075424